ScaleUp Summit 2018 Recap

Picture of Ken Larson

Ken Larson

The ScaleUp Summits are always jam packed with invaluable learnings! The events usually lead to weeks of debriefing and review, manifesting into highly productive one-on-one coaching meetings, workshops and facilitations for clients.

The ScaleUp Summit is a bi-annual event hosted by teams at Scaling Up and Gazelles. As an Executive Coach, I’m required to attend at least one of these events every year. However, I generally choose to attend both. I’ve found the learnings and opportunities to be so important, I can’t bear to miss either event. But not just for myself – for my clients as well.

ScaleUp Summit Schedule & Events

The first three days are for the coaches only – together – reconnecting with friends both old and new. Verne Harnish, John Ratliff, and their amazing team bring in highly relevant speakers. These sessions help the coaches continue learning, growing, connecting and developing our craft.  

During the 2018 summit, we heard from speakers like Gregg Thompson – who wrote Master Coaching – the best coaching book I’ve ever read! Throughout three days of speakers, I recorded 18 pages of notes; and not just notes, but actions. As I listened to each speaker, my clients were always popping into my head. My note-taking became a frenzy of matching these big, wonderful ideas, to those of my clients they would most benefit.

After three days of coaching workshops, The Summit is open to both coaches and clients. Top authors from around the world are brought in. Thirteen countries from around the world were represented amongst guests, coaches and presenters during the 2018 Summit. The wisdom and experience in the room was palpable.

World-Class Best Practices

I personally try to read 50 books a year. Additionally, I subscribe to five different websites that provide thorough book summaries. It is my philosophy that if I hear about a book, I am meant to read it, and share it with a client, or their team.

Most of my clients are too busy to read 50 books a year. I make it a priority to share these books and the learnings with my clients when the need arises. This information often gets shared with the entire leadership team, and the team will adopt a particular best practice from that book.

The books, authors, learnings, connections and conversations that take place during ScaleUp cover a broad range of areas that profoundly affect me as a coach, my clients and their businesses.

In the end, the most valuable thing I gain as a coach is the knowledge and insight to help my clients adopt some of these world-class best practices, and apply them to their businesses.

  • What is the one thing you did last year that continued and advanced your personal growth?
  • What is the one thing you feel you need to work on this year
  • Where will you find the resources to support you on your quest?

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