Phil Ohl, Executive Coach, Champion Performance Systems, Inc

Phil Ohl

As a former member of Canada’s National Basketball team, Phil was surrounded by high achievers, even playing Michael Jordan and the Dream Team and now as a person living with MS, he understands the commitment, the grit and the unwavering demand of oneself required to thrive in the face of difficult challenges and circumstances. 

Phil is committed to challenging his clients to burn with something other than business as usual. 

Clients who work with Phil discover that they are much bigger and more potently effective than they ever imagined themselves to be. They discover a quality in their relationships with others that was not previously available to them. They gain a greater freedom and confidence in their decision making and a heightened level of vitality, awareness, and effectiveness. They gain an improvement in their observational and listening acuity and a more productive place from which to operate. Ultimately, Phil supports his clients to alter their relationship with that which they considered to be possible for themselves and others – breaking up, breaking open pre-conceived notion of how things are.

Learning to operate from a place of strength and possibility will unleash your own power and the people working with you. With powerful tools and distinctions to inspire you and to inspire your staff, your leadership capacity and influence will grow exponentially as will the quality of your professional and personal life.

Phil is interested in something far beyond incremental improvement. He is interested in brilliant and discontinuous results – a sudden leap in productivity and/or effectiveness.